International Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage

Is an association of all kinds of conservation practitioners and all types of geoscientists, who are involved in geoconservation as planners, as geoheritage managers and interpreters, in geological surveys, as museum curators, researchers, educationalists and those concerned with tourism.
We look to a future in which conservation of geoheritage and management of geodiversity in all landscapes is given equal prominence in all countries, integrated and on a par with other forms of biodiversity management and as a part of nature conservation. This is the focus of ProGEO together with projects that will strengthen our capacity in this field.
ProGEO is an affiliated organisation of the IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences), and a member of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).
To promote the conservation of the rich heritage of landscape, rock, fossil and mineral sites.
To inform a wider public of the importance of this heritage, and of its relevance to modern society.
To advise those responsible for protecting our geoheritage.
To organise and participate in research into all aspects of planning, science, management and interpretation that are relevant to geoconservation.
To involve countries worldwide on the exchange of ideas and information and taking a full part in conservation in a global setting, including the formulation of conventions and legislation.
To act towards a global list of outstanding geological sites, thus enabling full support to be given to the work of other international bodies, as well as to national initiatives towards site protection.
To achieve an integrated approach to nature conservation, promoting a holistic approach to the conservation of biological and geological phenomena.
Articles with amendments agreed by
the electronic General Assembly in 2023

Executive Committee
Central Body

Other Officers