International Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage

members worldwide

Join ProGEO
Members are encouraged to contribute to the efforts of ProGEO at all levels. It is ProGEO's aim to form a working network of members and contacts in each country of Europe and in other continents.
We work through national groups, regional working groups and ProGEO as a whole, particularly through its international conferences and symposia, and through collaboration with other international bodies.
ProGEO membership is of two forms:
Individual membership is a category open to all with an interest in geoconservation, regardless of whether they are professional or amateur, their status as a member is in no way dependent on any affiliation to an organisation. Their rights are stated in the Articles.
Institutional membership is a category chosen by organisations and other bodies involved in research, administration and surveys in the field of geological sciences and engaged in the conservation of geological features in their country. Typically, several such memberships are found in one given country. Institutional membership is embodied in a single person, i.e. a person chosen by an Institutional member to represent them in ProGEO activities and at meetings.